1557 Vernon Odom Blvd Suite 201
Akron, Ohio 44320
Office Phone # 330-631-0350 | Office Fax # 330-631-0355 | Website: www.mustardseedcdc.com
Our Mission, Purpose and Vision at MSDC
Mission Statement:
To Serve the Community by presenting "Key Principles" that develop effective money management skills, encourage setting financial goals that will maintain Financial Stability to empower individuals to create wealth and secure permanent housing.
Purpose Statement:
To work with families in developing strong Financial and Wealth Building Action Plans that will improve the quality of life for individuals no matter their economic status.
Vision Statement:
Our vision is to improve individuals financial abilities to reach their goals by improving how they spend, save and invest money. It is our goals to educate families on how to obtain the best credit options, increase purchase power, and prepare for retirement years.
How will we accomplish this:

Financial/Housing Workshops

Train on how to understand the use of Credit