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1557 Vernon Odom Blvd Suite 201
Akron, Ohio 44320
Office Phone # 330-631-0350 | Office Fax # 330-631-0355 | Website:
MSDC DIY Online Homebuyer Education

MSDC understands that sometimes Homebuyers have a busy schedule that prohibits them from attending live Homebuyer Seminars. For that purpose we have partnered with an easy online homebuyer education seminar that can be completed by the Homebuyer at your convenience.
It’s easy. Just click the link below and complete the simulation and a notification will be sent to our office to complete your Certificate. Please be advised the cost for this service is $100.00 at the time you enroll.
We hope you will enjoy the interaction and please provide your comments on ways we can continue to assist you in becoming a Homeowner.
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